Hong Kong Quality Function Deployment Association


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26th September 2014

Catherine met Prof. Kailash C. Kapur at the 34th Annual General Meeting cum Annual Dinner of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (Hong Kong) on 26th September 2014. Prof. Kapur was the Guest of Honour of the event. At the dinner, he made a keynote speech on the topic of "Industrial Engineering for Principle Centered Service Quality" to the participants.

Besides Industrial & Systems Engineering of the College of Engineering of the University of Washington, Prof. Kailash is also a visiting professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He has started travelling to Hong Kong since mid-1990s and thus knows Hong Kong pretty well. He currently spends months in Hong Kong every year. Prof. Kailash is an early QFD expert. Not only taught QFD, but he also went to Japan to understand how QFD was practiced at the workplace some thirty years ago. He told Catherine that although he may not be updated with QFD, he is glad to share what he knows with those who want to learn and to practice QFD. To the QFD community, it is a piece of very good news!



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