Guest Lecture for Global School of Business, Hong Kong
12th September 2010
Event & Topic:
Guest Lecture on "QFD: Customer-oriented Product/Service Development Method"
Global School of Business
Dr. Alan Poon, Principal of Global School of Business, is an old friend of Catherine. He has been teaching and supervising projects of business and management for many years in local, Macau and some other overseas institutions. Alan invited Catherine to conduct a QFD seminar for his students. The seminar with the topic of "QFD: Customer-oriented Product/Service Development Method" was held at the school on 12th September 2010. It was a Sunday morning but the seminar was full house and some late comers even had to stand at the back of the classroom. The attendees were the current students and alumni of the bachelor and master programs. They worked in the weekdays and used their spare time to study. Catherine was highly impressed with their eagerness with learning. After the seminar, many attendees told Catherine that they have got a much better idea with QFD, the three letters that they have heard for long time.
Catherine Y. P. Chan conducted a QFD Seminar for Global School of Business in 2010