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International Six Sigma Council (ISSC) Networking Dinner 2013

Reference: N011
Date: 8th May 2013
Place: Eaton Hotel

Catherine attended the networking dinner of International Six Sigma Council on 8th May 2013. This year, the dinner was held at Eaton Hotel.

 Photo 1: Group Photo of ISSC Networking Dinner 2013

Just like last year, Catherine was invited by her good friend, Dr. Rita Wan, President of Executive Committee of ISSC. She was warmly welcomed by Ir. Dr. Chan Chi On and Ir. Dr. Jason Kong, Chairman and Vice Chairman of Executive Committee of ISSC respectively.

Photo 2: Dr. Rita Wan of ISSC and Catherine

The guest speaker of that evening was Mr. Barry Lo. He is the General Manager of Bank-wide Operation Department of Bank of China (Hong Kong). Barry's speech was about how he employed lean and six sigma to achieve operational excellence. He shared with the audience the ways he used to overcome the obstacles for launching the program as well as the spirit-boosting song composed by his team members.

Photo 3: Barry Lo shared his experience on promoting and implementing lean and six -sigma in Bank of China

In that evening, Catherine had met many quality management experts, including Prof. Fugee Tsung of HKUST (Head of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, and, Director of Quality Lab), Dr. K. S. Chin, Ir. Dr. Lotto Lai and Dr. Albert Tsang of Hong Kong Society for Quality, Ir. Dr. Aaron Tong of TQM Consultants Co. Ltd, and, many more.


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