Hong Kong Quality Function Deployment Association


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Dinner with Prof. Wu Nengquan of SYSU

Date:24th December 2017

Catherine and her husband spent their Christmas holiday in Guangzhou. On the evening of their arrival, they met Prof. Wu Nengquan, Director of Centre for Management Research of Sun Yat-sen Business School. Prof. Wu was very glad with their coming and invited them for dinner at the Chinese restaurant of Sun Yat-sen Kaifeng Hotel. Catherine first met Prof. Wu at one of the ICITs in the early 2000s, and, Prof. Wu has long been with much interest in QFD. They know each other very well. Old friend's meeting, of course, was happy!

Catherine and her husband at Sun Yat-sen University

Catherine and Prof. Wu Nengquan at the Chinese restaurant of Sun Yat-sen Kaifeng Hotel


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