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Guest Lecture on QFD for Postgraduate Students of SEEM, CityU

Reference: E152
Date: 23rd September 2019
Venue: The City University of Hong Kong


"Managing Quality Strategies", a module of MSc Engineering Management, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management of City University of Hong Kong, is always a big class. Same as last year, all seats of the guest lecture were taken up in the evening of 23rd September 2019. This year, Catherine shared a project which she did for a manufacturer in Southern China in 2016. It was about formulating an incentive scheme for motivating the supervisors working at the shop floor. QFD and some other quality management tools and techniques were used for finding out the needs with and the requirements for the scheme. Catherine would like to use the project to explain in which areas would QFD be exercised to the best and how to incorporate it with other tools and techniques for yielding desirable results.

Catherine Y. P. Chan lectured QFD to postgraduate students of SEEM of City University of Hong Kong in 2019



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