Guest Lecture on QFD for Postgraduate Students of SEEM, CityU
18th October 2018
The City University of Hong Kong
It had been 3 years since Catherine conducted a guest lecture on QFD for the students doing "Managing Quality Strategies", a module of MSc Engineering Management, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management of City University of Hong Kong, last time. Catherine was thrilled when she reached the lecture hall in the evening of 18th October 2018. All seats had been taken up, ... so many attendees! Catherine was motivated when she found they were so attentive to her talk, with many of them rushed for the lecture after work.
Catherine Y. P. Chan lectured QFD to postgraduate students of SEEM of City University of Hong Kong in 2018
Guest Lecture on QFD for Undergraduate Students of SEEM, CityU
18th March 2018
The City University of Hong Kong
For this year's guest lecture for "Quality Improvement Methodologies", a module of the undergraduate programme of Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Total Quality Engineering of City University of Hong Kong, held on 18th March 2018, Catherine picked up several case studies, with two recently conducted by her two students, to introduce using Modern QFD to understand what customers need and to do product and service improvement and development. She suggested the students that QFD could be an interesting topic for doing graduate projects.
Catherine Y. P. Chan lectured QFD to undergraduate students of SEEM of City University of Hong Kong in 2018