Hong Kong Quality Function Deployment Association


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Guest Lecture on QFD for Undergraduate Students of SEEM, CityU

Reference: E156
Date: 16th March 2020
Venue: The City University of Hong Kong

This year's guest lecture for "Quality Improvement Methodologies", a module of the undergraduate programme of Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Total Quality Engineering of City University of Hong Kong, was held on 16th March 2020. To avoid the spread of coronavirus, this year's lecture was arranged to be online. No student was in the classroom; only Catherine and Dr. Chin were there. The class started. Catherine put down her mask and did her lecturing in front of the computer. She first explained to the students the importance and the basic operation of interpretation deployment for understanding the needs of the target customers. After the explanation, she shared an interesting case which she did with Florence Tse, Hong Kong fashion designer, of applying the interpretation deployment of QFDto explore the needs with party dresses of those mothers-to-be working in business field for attending banquets.

Catherine Y. P. Chan lectured QFD to undergraduate students of SEEM of City University of Hong Kong in 2020



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